1. Third Party Cookies
    1. Overview
    2. Password Reset
    1. System Notifications
    2. Data Manager Notifications
    1. Troubleshooting Load Times
    2. Cache Warming
    1. Updating License Key
    1. Web Accessibility
    1. Menu Tuning
    2. Cache Warming
    1. Password Settings

Server Management: System Administration

Filesystem Permissions

Curator needs full access to its filesystem to run correctly.

Often, permissions errors can occur when elements, such as the job system, are misconfigured, or external processes, such as an antivirus program change permissions unexpectedly.

Use the processes below to correct errant file permissions.


  1. Determine the user running Curator. This can be found on the Settings->Curator->Status page. On most systems, this will be either "apache" or "www-data" (Ubuntu).

  2. SSH into the webserver that is running Curator.

  3. In the terminal, run a "chown" command for the user you found in Step 1. Here are some examples:

    RHEL, Amazon Linux AMI 1/2, CentOS:

    sudo chown -Rf apache:apache /var/www/html;


    sudo chown -Rf www-data:www-data /var/www/html;


  1. Find where Curator is installed on your system. Often, this is in C:\InterWorks\Curator.

  2. Within this directory, look for a folder named "htdocs" or "wwwdata".

    Note: If your system has an "htdocs" folder, your Curator installation is running Apache. If your system has a "wwwdata" folder, your Curator installation is running a legacy IIS install.

  3. Right click on the "htdocs" or "wwwdata" folder and select "Properties".

  4. On the folder's "Properties" page, deselect the "Read-only" attribute and hit "Apply".

  5. After this process has completed, select the "Security" tab.

  6. On the Security tab, click "Advanced".

  7. If your folder is "htdocs" make sure "SYSTEM" is the folder's owner. If your folder is "wwwdata", IUSR should own the folder.

  8. Reselect the correct user as the owner. (Note: do this again, even if it looks correct.)

  9. Check the box labeled "Replace owner on sub-containers and objects".

  10. Check the box labeled "Replace all child object permission entries."

  11. Hit "Apply"

Windows: Permission Fix